Las palabras de los sabios
If i'lld ever....
If i'lld ever lay my hands on a gun i would kill myself....
If i'lld ever see someone die i would kill myself too....
If i'lld ever want someone to die i would send my self to Rehab....
If i'lld ever killed somebody i would turn my self to the police....
If i'lld ever kill myself i would waych friends and family from below....
Because it would never make sence if i said above there has never been heaven for me only hell...
So these are the words from my heart of dipression....
Kill me or I will....
Mariah Carey
The whole world is behind you....
Best friends
Ufff i miss my best friend sooo much even though i was with her an hour ago hehe
i looooovvvveeee her she is the only person in this world that i care so much for if she jumps from a bridge i will get paddle and get her retarded ass from the water :P haha
Her name is Suha one of the most amazing girl in the whole world this is for her and she reads my blog everyday and i reallt want her to see this :D and i hope she likes it love ya :-*
me and my brother hehe suha didnt want a picture of her :D
Have you ever heard some stuck up teenager actually saying omg dude that is soooo girly hahaha ok if you write that online ...... i just think its really weird if you say OMG just say oh my god HELLO PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!
Thats one of the words i hate the most i write omg i dont say omg and some of you might think naaaa spede thats because your a boygirl.. and my answer is nooo it doesnt matter if i am its just soo weird when somebody says that it reminds me of these crazy blonde girls that are ritch.... hehe i mean the stuiped ones :D and if you actualy say lol cant you just laugh????
anyways today ive been at home doin nothin exept studiyng.... i hope you had a better day than me :)
If you ever want to hate somebody that you love dont because you will act stuiped...
just think of love like a lifestyle....
dont think you dont have love because you are always surrounded by love....

Te amo is a great songs listen to it if you havnt heard it ;)
Uffffff i hate some people in this world why do peolpe look so much??? have you never seen a girl ??? Get a lfe!!!
People are just so insane and weird like they've never seen the world before ? I just wish people would be a little
people dont you have sisters and mothers stop looking !
Robert Pattinson
One of his best songz i love it :)
Today is a very sad day a member of our huge family passed away he really was a great man but still very old but you will always be in our hearts R.I.P i love you and i will never forget you....
The dancing rats in the night...
Somehow i thouht about this story with the rats dancing on the table in the middle of the night hehe i know its weird but it kind of reminds me of me :) hmmm im so scared that my parents would walk in to my room riht now and ask me why im up so late because im not fasting.... anyways i hope all of you are dreaming happy dreams ;)
Me and my best friend
Right now im sittin next to my friend Dalya hehe she tought me how to design my blogg well it wasnt so easy but i got it :) and i thank her sooo much for that....
A day ago i came home from Sweden i had been there about 2 months it was sad leaving my friends and family but ill still meet them again so now im in Kurdistan or what you other call it Irak. I send my best regards to my friends and families in Sweden LOve ya xoxo :)