Anyways today ive been thinkin about Eminem before i never liked him i would listen to his songs but i wasnt such a great fan of him after my cousin Kawar told me too listen to his new hit song "Not Afraid" and i started to like him which was in this summer but i just loooove his song "Beautiful" It makes me somehow feel so down idk why .... Anyways Ciaoo everybody gta go now :D

Jag hatar Arabiska!!!!
Idag hadde vi arabiska sista timmen av skolan ... Nemen ojj vad kul det är neee inte alls jag hatar arabiska jag hatar alla lärare som lär oss arabiska och fråga inte varför jag hatar dem. Jag e inte rasse om ni tror det det e bara att jag vill inte lära mig det fär det e inte en av det språken som jag kommer prata i mitt liv !!
Hon fattar ju inget sen sitter hon o glor på mig som om jag vore ett djur :@ Palla breeeeeee
Asså gud fan vad jag e knepp jag sitter här o blir arg om nån särig fröken!!! Nu ska jag inte va arg längre min bästis kommer till mig snart o vi ska gör skönaste läxorna tillsammans :D Undrar vad vi ska göra efter det hmmm kanske smaska på nåt gott :) aaaa men vi får se
hej då har de kul ni oxo :)

Jag o lille brorsan <3
9th Sept , 2010
Hello my sinshines :)
Today i had a great day at school exept that i almost fainted because it was too waram at school !!
Well my best friend Ranooo came home saw her at school it was so nice ♥ I had many homewroks today finally i finished them thought they would never end!! Many fin things happened cant say all and im pretty sure many of you know hehe I think it was the best day at school
Ohhh me and my brother had the biggest fight ever about Barca and Real and ofcoarse Barca is best Viva La Barcelona....
Here is the funniest pic on my bro
Looks like he's high LOL if u know what i mean :P
Suha Today :)
Xoxo Spedeee

Yesterday :D
Ciaooo see ya later

READ MY LIPS :) and yes those are my lips :p
3 days left :((
Choueifat students and other students in kurdistan 3 days left to open the books have a wonderful time :((
Why love when you dont
Why love when you dont, bastard ?
Why not leave her when you dont love her ?
Why think she will be hurt if you leave her ?
Here is a lesson for life .... Not loving some one is more hurtfull then leaving someone...
"Dont forget this"
Not without my Daughter
If you havnt seen the movie Not without my daughter then you have too ...
Not without my daughter is based on a true story its about the american citizen Betty Mahmoody and her daughter of her husband from Iran. Her husban's name was Moody Mahmoody and her daughter Mahtob Mahmoody.
I cant tell you what happenss in the movie because it wont be any exiting you need to watch it :D
And so I....
Believing a fantasy , Dreaming of a reality , smiling admits pain , wishes starting to paine and waine....
Loving beyond limits , hoping hope never quits , hooked up with a bridge , Enfeebled by a twinge.....
Devoured by hopelessness , feeling so worthless , wrists are cut , blood instantly gushes , eyes are closed running out of breath , mind halts to think , and so i welcome death......

Fan vet jag ????
jaaa men nu ska jag sova ...
Natti Natti !

tror nog att jag kommer sova så här inatt jag är så trött ....
You can shed tears that she is gone....
You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.....
My new kicks :) Adidas
Yesterday i was shopping with my momma and i saw these cute adidas kicks so here they are some pics of them and tell me what you think ;)

Jay Sean...
One new idol on my top list hehe he is awesom no one is like him, his voice , his music , and where he is from = India :D he lives in the U.K he is soooooo good his music is just remarkable dont know how you can hate him you can hate him for being so good and hate him because you love him soo much !!!!
Ufff ! I just love him too much i think there arent no words !! His songs are always on replay, replay, replay ,replay♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
My favourite songs are ♥ :
Down ft. Lil Wayne
Fade Away

Best songs to listen to when your down... at least my top 2
1. Nelly furtado - All good things
2.Digga- Broken
Do u remember.....
Do u have any best past friends that you havent had contact to in years well i do my friend Bawar hehe he's really nice and kind hearted the way i started this post is i was searchin some videos on youtube and on options it came hehe not only him but some other friends wow they have changed so much !!!! hehe bawar was beatboxing ufff i remember how much he loved doin that its just nice remembering the times you had with old friends not just the new friends beacuse the friends you had from the start are the friends that will truly be in your heart forever even if you are mad at eacother or do not talk to eachother you always think of them or what happened to them how are they doin in life ?
Friends are the most important thing to me even though i have new friends because i moved to Kurdistan the friends i had back in the hood will be the friends i have forever in my heart even though i have not conatcted them we are conected by our hearts...... I love old memories they are so unique and everytime something else happenes the other memories are still the most unique....
Here is a lesson to the whole world "Dont forget the old friends because you have new friends...."